Presence of Mind: New Zealand in the World

Terence O'Brien


BOOK / ISBN 978-0-908772-31-5

NZ$20.00 (INCL. GST)

Notwithstanding New Zealand's discrete place and relative isolation in the world, what was once termed the 'tyranny of distance' applies no longer to the country's external relations. There is a pressing need for New Zealanders to have a deeper understanding of the forces that drive global trends and developments, from which their nation is not immune.  This selection of writings from Terence O'Brien is a notable contribution to that better appreciation of the impacts of globalisation, from the perspective of a small, internationally-minded, modern and multicultural democracy.

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Notwithstanding New Zealand's discrete place and relative isolation in the world, what was once termed the 'tyranny of distance' applies no longer to the country's external relations. There is a pressing need for New Zealanders to have a deeper understanding of the forces that drive global trends and developments, from which their nation is not immune.  This selection of writings from Terence O'Brien is a notable contribution to that better appreciation of the impacts of globalisation, from the perspective of a small, internationally-minded, modern and multicultural democracy.


NZIIA membership is open to anyone interested in understanding the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.