Student Social Mixer
Student Social Mixer
Wednesday, 5 March 2025 from 5pm (brief intros at 5:15pm)
The Hunter Lounge, Kelburn Campus
Kick off Trimester One with the NZIIA Wellington Student Sub-Committee, VUW Politics Society, and UN Youth Wellington!
Join us to meet like-minded students interested in international affairs, expand your network, and discover opportunities to get involved.
No registration needed—just turn up and bring your friends and flatmates!
Kick off Trimester One with the NZIIA Wellington Student Sub-Committee, VUW Politics Society, and UN Youth Wellington!
Join us to meet like-minded students interested in international affairs, expand your network, and discover opportunities to get involved.
No registration needed—just turn up and bring your friends and flatmates!
NZIIA membership is open to anyone interested in understanding the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.