NZIIA Newsletter - 2022 highlights and the year ahead
Hamish McDougall
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On behalf of the Institute, I would like to thank all our members, and those who engaged with the Institute in other ways, for your sterling support during 2022. In my first year as Executive Director, it has been immensely gratifying to see so many people willing to help promote independent, expert discussion and understanding of international affairs as they relate to Aotearoa New Zealand. 2022 Highlights Despite COVID-19 disruptions, the Institute (including regional branches) held approximately 80 events throughout New Zealand in the past 12 months addressing the most important international affairs issues. Events ranged from addresses by ministers and senior officials from New Zealand and overseas, to expert panel discussions, policy workshops, social occasions, and presentations of cutting-edge academic research. We partnered with important organisations to deliver these, both at home and abroad. The Ukraine War and New Zealand’s relations with China and other major powers loomed particularly large as event topics. Among the highlights was the return of NZIIA activity to Ōtepoti Dunedin after several years of hiatus. The Institute continued to bed in its new constitution. The National Board welcomed a new Executive Director, approved a strategic plan, and appointed Dr Richard Grant as the new Chair, and Dr James Kember as Vice Chair. The outgoing Chair, Rt Hon Sir Anand Satyanand, was widely praised and thanked for his efforts, particularly in guiding the new governance structure. The number of Individual and corporate/institutional members increased from the previous year. This reflects the benefit of the above changes, excellent events delivered by Branches, and a greater interest in international affairs given the rapidly evolving global situation. The Institute’s communications were stepped up in 2022, significantly increasing our audience via Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, podcasts, and our website, which featured more than 120 articles on important international affairs issues. Publication of the New Zealand International Review continued with six editions in its 47th year, including a great number of important expert contributions. It remains the Institute’s flagship publication and the only magazine dedicated to international affairs as they pertain to New Zealand. Sadly, we farewelled stalwarts of the international affairs community in 2022, including NZIIA Life Members Ann Trotter and W. David McIntyre. Most recently, we lost Terence O’Brien, a ‘giant’ of New Zealand foreign policy who supported the Institute in myriad ways over several decades. Looking ahead to 2023 Many thanks to all those who have renewed your membership for the coming year. If you have not already done so, please check your inbox or spam folder for payment details. New members can sign up here. In 2023 three places on the national Board are due for rotation. We will shortly call for nominations for people to run for election to the Board, as voted by members. Keep an eye out if you are interested in running. A date has been set for our flagship conference – Thursday, 8 June 2023. This will be on the theme of ‘International Solutions: Aotearoa New Zealand’s place in e troubled world.' It will be held in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Individual members will receive advance ticket sales and discounted prices. Corporate and Institutional members will receive complimentary tickets. Mark your diaries. The AGM and annual dinner will be held in Wellington in late April. The date and venue are to be advised shortly. Further Branch and National Offices events will be starting up soon, as notified in our Branch notices, newsletters, website and social media. As always, we appreciate feedback. If you have any queries, ideas, or views on NZIIA activities in 2023 please get in touch at Many thanks again for your support over the past year. I would especially like to thank members of the national Board, along with the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Manatu Aorere and Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington for their continued support. Ka rawe! All the very best for 2023. Nga mihi nui Dr Hamish McDougall |
NZIIA membership is open to anyone interested in understanding the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.