The Golden Weather is Over. What now for New Zealand Trade Policy?

Mr Vangelis Vitalis, Deputy Secretary - Trade & Economic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Thursday, 11 April 2024 2:00pm

Hawke's Bay

Havelock North Club, 4 Campbell Street, Havelock North

As Deputy Secretary - Trade and Economic, Mr Vitalis is New Zealand's senior trade official, and has been closely involved in both multilateral trade negotiations through the WTO and in leading New Zealand's bilateral trade negotiations with key partners, including concluding successfully the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. 

He is also a former New Zealand Ambassador to the EU in Brussels and to the WTO in Geneva.

This promises to be a most interesting presentation.

Door entry charge of $8 to cover venue and afternoon tea costs.

Contact the Hawke's Bay branch


As Deputy Secretary - Trade and Economic, Mr Vitalis is New Zealand's senior trade official, and has been closely involved in both multilateral trade negotiations through the WTO and in leading New Zealand's bilateral trade negotiations with key partners, including concluding successfully the Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. 

He is also a former New Zealand Ambassador to the EU in Brussels and to the WTO in Geneva.

This promises to be a most interesting presentation.

Door entry charge of $8 to cover venue and afternoon tea costs.


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