Why standing with your friends is needed more than ever in an unstable world
Her Excellency Iona Thomas OBE, British High Commissioner
Hawke's Bay
Melanesia: Opportunities and Challenges and Implications for New Zealand
Marion Crawshaw, Senior Fellow, Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University, Wellington
National Office
NZIIA National AGM and Annual Lecture 2024
Rt Hon Winston Peters, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Why New Zealand should be worried about China (and North Korea)
Anna Fifield, Asia-Pacific Editor, The Washington Post
Hawke's Bay
The Golden Weather is Over. What now for New Zealand Trade Policy?
Mr Vangelis Vitalis, Deputy Secretary - Trade & Economic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Working As Intended: Race, Class, Gender, and the Law
Frank R. Baumgartner
NZIIA membership is open to anyone interested in understanding the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.