The death of Global Britain? A new normal in UK foreign policy
Professor Richard Whitman, Professor of Politics and International Relations, Global Europe Centre, University of Kent
Forging a new age in India - New Zealand Relations
HE Neeta Bhushan, India High Commissioner to New Zealand - key note speech and focussed panel sessions
An address by the Deputy Chief of the New Zealand Army and the Wellington Branch Annual General Meeting
Brigadier Rose King, Deputy Chief of the New Zealand Army
Shaping New Zealand's Burgeoning Space Industry
Expert Panel
Gender equality and LGTBIQ+ issues in international relations
Louisa Wall, New Zealand Ambassador for Gender Equality (Pacific) Tuia Tāngata
Wellington Branch end of year BBQ and picnic
Members of the NZIIA Wellington Branch
NZIIA membership is open to anyone interested in understanding the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.